“Rank Versus Skill” by Salvatore Forestieri

Check the article below. It is very interesting.

In the martial arts we all strive for a purpose.  Some of us may have multiple purposes, but in general most of us strive for physical and mental development through shugyo.  Some individuals might want to develop a certain skill level; others are more concerned with rank – especially the untrained newcomer.  In a recent situation that I’m sure many will recognize, an individual walked into our dojo after contacting me previously on numerous occasions.  Almost immediately on arriving, he asked me, “how long would it take me to get a black belt?”.  I chuckled and replied, “Oh… around 2-3 days for an average one and about 7-10 days for a really nice one from Japan”.  After he looked at me quizzically for a few moments, I explained the joke to him.  Fortunately he chuckled and the ice was broken.
Read the whole entry: http://www.aikidojournal.com/blog/rank-versus-skill-by-salvatore-forestieri/

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