Archive for the ‘Sensei’s Notes’ Category

Jo Kata – 14 strikes

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Here is Sensei’s drawing of the 14 strike Jo kata we practiced last week, for us to refer to when practicing. You may click the image to see a larger version, or you may click here to download the full-sized PDF file.

Jo Kata (14 Strikes)

Jo Kata (14 Strikes) by Shiba Sensei

6th Kyu Test in November 2009

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

PAC Members,

I’m planning to have next kyu test by the end of Nov 2009 time frame.

Note that there will be a slight change for the beginners.
A 6th kyu test will be introduced for aikidoist that have recently joined the dojo.
The minimum time requirement for this test is 20 days of training.
See the attached document for 6th Kyu test requirements.

What will be different in this test only is that beginners that (will) meet the minimum time requirement of 40 days will be eligible for 5 Kyu test.

Starting Jan 2010, all beginners will be required to go through 6th Kyu test.

There is no 6th Kyu test fee but 2009 USAF annual fee of $30 will be applicable.

There is a $30 fee 5th Kyu test + 2009 USAF annual fee ($30).

Note that all members with an USAF Kyu (including who passed the test in Nov 09) will need to pay 2010 USAF annual fee no later than Feb 2010.

Let me know if you feel that you are (will be) ready for your kyu test and (will) meet the minimum time requirement.

We will go through a dry run sometime before the test and provide you valuable feed back, if any needed.

So start working your techniques and specially the names, as it seems to be always where we struggle the most.

Note that Saturday morning from 9:00-10:00am we have an open mat practice where there is always an instructor and sempais that can help to fill some gaps.

Don’t hesitate to ask instructors and sempais for help.

See you all on the mats.

Kind regards,



“Rank Versus Skill” by Salvatore Forestieri

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

Check the article below. It is very interesting.

In the martial arts we all strive for a purpose.  Some of us may have multiple purposes, but in general most of us strive for physical and mental development through shugyo.  Some individuals might want to develop a certain skill level; others are more concerned with rank – especially the untrained newcomer.  In a recent situation that I’m sure many will recognize, an individual walked into our dojo after contacting me previously on numerous occasions.  Almost immediately on arriving, he asked me, “how long would it take me to get a black belt?”.  I chuckled and replied, “Oh… around 2-3 days for an average one and about 7-10 days for a really nice one from Japan”.  After he looked at me quizzically for a few moments, I explained the joke to him.  Fortunately he chuckled and the ice was broken.
Read the whole entry:

Kyu Testing

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

Most of us start focusing on specific Aikido techniques in preparation for a Kyu test. We usually consider Kyu level as a “social” status and reaching the black belt level is the ultimate goal for practicing a martial art.

When I was a child, I perceived a person with black belt as a super man. When I passed my Shodan, it didn’t felt that way. At that time, I realized that mastering Aikido would take a life long time, if ever. Since then, my path has changed direction. Instead of trying to achieve perfection, I keep practicing Aikido seeking for improving now and then without an ultimate objective. You will see, each step in your life, when you look back the achievements you accomplished and that is the fuel that makes me keep practicing Aikido.

Kyu test should be considered as a way to let aikidokas see where they are in the study of Aikido instead of considering it as an objective. If you are ready, there is no reason you would fail the test.

A Zen saying: “Aim the target and you will miss it. Aim beyond the target and you will always hit it”.

See you all at class.